Featuring Debora Delmar, Alex Frost, Luke McCreadie, and Laura Yuile.
Curated by Gh0stSpace, London with Wiener Art Foundation, Vienna at Galerie Kunstbuero, Vienna.

These words are storage. They store an idea that we have chosen to make visible in grounded objects. This relationship between the object and its visibility is echoed in the work and through the space.
Gh0stSpace is an artist-run non-space. It moves between online and physical presentations. These four artists originally showed separately in the same self-storage unit in London. These four presentations were only viewable online but also addressed the reality of living in the global city: a context  where the display and its counterpart, the object, have a shifting and liquid character. A character that wrestles with the materiality of life and work – through the high cost of space and its privatization – in the networked city today.

We build buildings outside and make objects inside.

All images courtesy of Wiener Art Foundation, Gh0stSpace and the artists.
Photo credit: Bjørn Segschneider. 
