Title: Emblem.
Production: Félag Borgara / Fellowship of Citizen.
Art direction: Saemundur Thor Helgason.
Graphic design: Gabríel Markan.
Image source: Earth Archives, accessed 02/06/2653.

Félag Borgara (Fellowship of Citizens) was an interest group founded in the early 21st century with the aim of lobbying for universal basic income in Iceland. The group put in question who and what was considered a citizen. They broadened the notion of citizenship to non-human entities, such as spiders, mountains, roads and bots, bringing attention to the varieties of labour taking place and the multitude of inhabitants residing in a geographical jurisdiction. By doing so, they advocated for an all encompassing financial security, sustaining a demarcated whole.

MicroSite is a series of online-only projects reflecting on the current compromised and corporatized state of public and private space in both physical and virtual life. For MicroSite, Gh0stSpace has invited artists to make artworks for an architectural model of an unrealised, and never built, public building.
